Overengineering at its finest

You gotta be kidding me…

I came across this video on Reddit a few days ago, and I just had to share. This is the reset procedure for a type of GE smart bulb. You’d do this procedure if your bulb stopped responding to commands from the app. If you owned this thing, pray it never does.

I don’t think I can recall a bigger example of overengineering in my entire life. I can just imagine that GE engineers mapping out dozens of flow charts, followed by many, many meetings.

At some point, maybe somewhere around the 8th or 9th on-off switch, it ceases to seem real and starts looking like an Onion video. It’s like the real life version of Sideshow Bob and the rakes.

Tagged: Fail, IoT, Video
About the author

Derek Moore

Co-Owner, Technician

Has over 25 years experience in technology. Began programming software by age 13, and repairing and custom-building PCs by age 15. Graduated with B.S. in Computer Science. Most recently worked as a software developer... "I've always enjoyed helping people and solving problems, and with MCS, I get to do both."