WordPress Sites
Here are some samples of my past work with creating WordPress sites for small business clients.
About My WordPress Creations
Across all my WordPress sites, I've been using Divi for the last 4-5 years. Made by Elegant Themes, Divi is more than a theme: it's a design framework. It makes designing sites quick and easy, and yet it still has the ability to let me dive into the CSS and Javascript, if I choose.
In a way, I've always had the technical chops to code; that's just sort of how I think. Functionality, more than creativity, was at the core of my designs. But I think I've come along a great deal in my design skills the last few years. As you can see, I've found that spark of creativity needed for design work. I now understand how to use color palettes, gradients, non-right angles, soft edges, icons, and photos come together into a seamless whole.
And with each new design, I can see my skills improving. Because, with each design, I always strive to make something different, something I've never done before. Because knowledge is a journey, not a destination.